
Thursday, December 2, 2010

1 December 2010

From 2006 through 2008, I took (at least) a picture a day and posted them privately through an iPhoto web gallery. At the highest point in the experience, I was joined by several family members, and we "voted" on our favorites of all the pictures posted. I finally exhausted most of the subjects near my rural neighborhood, and the family members also dropped out. But every year, the theme for December was "Holiday." It is hard to start another December without looking for pictures that capture the way the holidays are displayed, and so this year, I have decided to do it again, but in a blog format rather than a photo gallery.

I hope people will comment, and if anyone wants to revive the Picture-A-Day exercise in January, count me in. If you want to join me now, photographing "Holiday" as you see it, I will be glad to post anything sent to me. Or start a blog of your own.

Today, it rained so hard that I thought finding pictures would be impossible. As it turned out, the lights and the puddles made a good partnership. Today's picture was taken in "downtown" New Hartford. This is the porch of the business located next to the farm stand.

After eating out, Morrow and I drove home through Simsbury, looking for light displays in the rain. This second image for the day was really suggested by Morrow and is a tip-of-the-hat to the American photographer Lee Friedlander who published a whole book of pictures taken from inside his car, with the car showing in his pictures. 

This picture was taken in the parking lot of Necker's Toyland on Route 10 in Simsbury.

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